Monday, June 23, 2008

Meat Marinates

Ok I'm officially sick of takeaways! But what's a FT working mum to do? Definitely have no energy to cook elaborate dinners after a long day at the office and coming home to a loving toddler who demands my full attention. Time to be best friends with my oven, microwave and crock pot then.

I've got a nice big fat juicy piece of pork shoulder from the Mad Butcher. Look at the size of that, mad eh!

Had no idea what i wanted to do with it till i opened my pantry door and ask the man if he likes it western/Chinese style. Of course the banana goes for western. OK just grabbed whatever that's on hand that seems western and hopefully it'll logically work out to taste good. Sorry no measurements here, free handedly threw in lots of oregano's, mustard powder, salt, crushed black pepper, paprika and then the wet stuff were Lea & Perrins & Red wine vinegar. Left it in the fridge unwrapped and will let it sit for at least 3-4 days before roasting it, this way the meat dries up enough to give a very crispy roast as well as a very well marinated piece of slab. Will let you know how it taste when we roast it then :)

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